This post will point out some of the things that have and continue to steal prayer from our generation.

Walking with God means prayer happens naturally. 

What draws us away from God?

1. Lack of faith
 The bible says Daniel understood from prophecy, that their time of captivity was close and began to pray it into coming.
He secured it in prayer. His understanding drew him into prayer. Most people nowadays do not recognise how prophetic these days are, thus they stray from prayer, yet like Daniel this is when they should be securing themselves in prayer. Read the word. Understanding it brings you unbreakable faith. Lack of faith is the first thing that draws us away from prayer.

Daniel 9:2
Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

2. Sin
Sin sucks the prayer out of someone. Glory to God for revealing this to us, for I have come to understand that when you fall is the time you need your father more.

Imagine being a child climbing a tree that your father warned you not to, if you found yourself in immediate danger, would you not call your father even though you know he warned you against what you are doing? I know I would.
What King David stood out for was his ability to accept his wrongs and take his faults before the Lord, even when you have failed him God’s love remain intact. He loves you regardless of you flaws, and believe you me, he knows them all!! Sin draws us away from prayer.

3. Unforgiveness/Self-condemnation
I believe one of the greatest tragedies in the church is that over the years, the church has used fear to motivate people into believing. As a result we do not have the relationship with God as he wants us to have. In most believers our fear of God is nor reverence, it is “scared” fear.
As a result when we fail God, even though he forgives us it is hard to forgive ourselves. I am led to believe that the greatest reason for this is our fear for what “The God Father” will do to punish us for this. God is a tenderly loving father, he has and will always forgive us for our sin. Although that is not liberty to go and sin. Self-condemnation draws us away from prayer.

4. Self Righteousness
Self righteousness keeps us from prayer. When we tell ourselves that we are in right standing with God. When we become unrepentant, we reach a point when God is no longer your God, you treat him as though he were your friend.
Do not misquote me “he is your friend”, but just as it is with your earthly father, even though he may be your friend he remains your father and is still to be viewed and treated in that capacity.

Romans 5:17
17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

5. Anger
Many say they prayed at a time of need and did not see his hand, thus he is not in existence. God is a loving father, he said he wouldnever leave nor forsake us.
Some do not pray, for they want to evade his will.
They are afraid of what his plans for them are, they do not want him to take them away from what they know. The only place you should ever let yourself be comfortable is in his will, because no matter what wind blows you have built on solid rock.
Let nothing take away your prayer. Just to have an audience with the King of Kings is in itself healing and therapeutic to me. I know my worries are in capable hands. Release your anger, anger with God can only hurt you! Anger draws us from prayer.