Copyright © Ufuomaee


" Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ... " (2 Cor 10:5 ).

You shouldn't have told me where you live. Now I am constantly looking out for you, wondering if I will bump into you again. As it happens, whenever you discover something new, you tend to notice it a lot more, and see it in almost anything.
Before I saw your car that day, I never knew such a car existed. And then I saw it again. Yesterday, parked by the Church near my home. How weird is that?!

I knew it was the same car, whether or not it's yours, because the look of the car is distinctive. It is beautiful. And I stopped to admire it, and saw that it was indeed a Mercedes Benz, and what I believe is the latest model too. You have good taste...
So, I'm guessing you attend my local Church now... How is it that I never spotted you before? Are you new to my neighbourhood? What evil wind brought you to my doorstep?!

Now, I have to be concerned with looking my best when I leave the house, just in case I bump into you again?! Believe me, I'm not doing it for you, but for me! I don't need you feeling sorry for me or looking down at me in anyway. When you see me, I want you to see that I'm doing fine too, living and enjoying my life without you. And please, don't bother to say hello!
"Hey! Funny to see you here again..."

What the??? I slowly turn around, my heart in my throat, because I know that it is you, and I'm not ready to see you again. Are you stalking me?
"Hey..." I finally say, trying on an average smile. Not too big, so you don't think you made my day and not too small, so you think I have an issue with you. Just normal. "How are you?" Well, I have to be polite...
That's when I see her... She's beautiful, even without make-up. Her Brazilian weave really suits her face. You can tell she just had a baby, but she looks healthy and happy. She gives me a cordial smile. I guess she doesn't know who I am, and you take the cue.
"Baby, this is my old friend, Onome. We went to school together..."

Wow... What an intro . Maybe you would fill in the other part about how we were once an item and madly in love later... Or maybe that is not how you choose to remember us.
I swallow some saliva build up in my mouth. I am instantly aware that I could have looked better. I really didn't try with my make-up today, and I still haven't done my hair. I have to get to the salon today!
In keeping with good manners, I give her a friendly smile and extend my hand. "Nice to meet you..."

I realised then that you never mentioned her name. Am I supposed to know? Believe me, I'm not a stalker! Apart from that brief time that I was looking for you on social media, when one of your friends celebrated their birthday, you really never cross my mind... And I never bothered to learn about your bae either.
"Moyo," she volunteered. "Nice to meet you too." I think I like her. That's not a good thing. Well, maybe it is. Now, I care how she feels... A little.
An awkward silence follows. I quickly take the opportunity to ask the question that has been bothering me since I met you again. "When did you move into the neighbourhood?"
"Last year," you say, and I nod.
Well, this is awkward...
"Alright, nice seeing you..." I say and pick up a random item on the shelf to inspect, hoping you'd both disappear.

It was after you left that I remembered that I could have told you about my book! I don't know if you or your wife read much, but I'd be keen to know your thoughts on my story. Maybe you'll relate. Anyway, I think it was seeing your wife that made me lose my confidence... Everything I thought I would say if I ever saw you again just flew out of my head, just as I wished I could run away...

I quickly finish my shopping, pay for my items and return to my car. I see your car parked outside the supermarket, and upon checking the number plate, I confirm that it was you parked at the Church the other day. I think I need to relocate!

To be continued…