*Create your exemptions*
Manytimes, we stand against the negativity of our blood line only in circumstances or events, but many of us turned a blind eye to the negative attitude of the blood line.
However, C.S Lewis said *" if you give the devil a room, he will take the whole house"*
In fact, the devil that enforces the events can only do so by hanging on attitudes, or using the attitudes as a doorway.
That is why you can be a believer and experience this evil not because Christ hasn't redeemed you from the curse of the law, but, it is we that we haven't allow Christ to be formed in us and redeem our attitude from the blood line negative spirits.
You see a trace of anger in your family, and because of that your older generations can not even have a successful family, to some alcohol has robbed them of a good sense of responsibility, others have history of polygamy with limitations in finances, ego or pride debar some family from reaching the prime of their years... Yet, no one considers!!!
For real, part of working in sound mind is giving attention to details.
Can you place every member of your ur older family line one by one and consider what is not aligning with the word of the Lord and renew your mind against it?
That is how to cut yourself off and create an exemption for yourself.
The scriptures says *"we have been redeemed from the curse of the law"* not the *"blessings of the law"*. Separate yourself from their errors and embrace their strength.
As you walk in divine wisdom this year, you shall surely prosper!!!
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